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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Choose a Reality

I've been around for quite a while and I've never seen such huge differences in what people believe is real.

In my reality, for example, 9/11 and 7/7 in Great Britain, were both inside jobs.
A missile hit the Pentagon, not a plane. Building 7 was pre-wired with explosives and the "decision was made to pull it". (controlled demolition) The underwear bomber was stopped by security but then let onto the plane by the "sharp dressed man" an FBI agent, so that body scanners could be put in airports and ex Homeland security secretary Michael Chertoff could make a lot of money. Anwar al-Awlaki dinned at the pentagon while he was one of the most wanted for 9/11. Osama bin Laden Died in 2001, Obama's raid and killing of bin Laden was a complete fraud. The soldiers that did the raid on Osama's hideout were all killed when their helicopter blew up right after the raid. Dead men tell no tales. The photos in the situation room of Barack (Barry), Hillary and the gang watching a live feed of the raid on Osama were staged. Obama was born in Kenya and his birth certificate is a complete fake.

In my mom's reality, for example, 9/11 and 7/7 happened exactly as the two governments said that they did. Building 7 "What's that?" The underwear bomber was a terrorist acting alone, had no help and had nothing to do with body scanners. Anwar al-Awlaki never dined at the Pentagon. The raid on Osama's hideout happened just as the government claimed (once they finally got their story straight). The photos in the situation room of Barack, Hillary and the gang watching a live feed of the raid on Osama were absolutely real and not staged. Obama was born in Hawaii and his birth certificate is as good as gold.

So, I guess a person has to choose a reality that his mind can deal with, but beware of choosing a reality that you want over actual reality.

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